2019 Manu Kōrero


Award Recipients

Pounamu Wharehinga

Te Rawhiti Ihaka - Junior Māori

Hinewai Netana-Williams

Pei Te Hurinui Jones - Senior Māori

Shaye Witehira

Korimako - Senior English
Honorable Mention
Jalen Blake-Kaiwai - 4th Regional Ngā Manu Kōrero Sir Turi Carroll Junior English

Wahine Maori Toko i te Ora Pū Kōrero ā Motu

Maori Women's Welfare League Speech Competition

This annual speech competition is not only helping promote the Māori language but also benefits those who take part. Students aged from 10 to 18 from across the Aotea region take part in the Ngā Pū Kōrero ō Āpōpō. This competition aims to help boys and girls express themselves in Te reo Māori and encourage them to use it in public speaking.

Hinewai Netana-Williams

1st Place Regional Competition
1st Place National Competition
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