
E-Learning & MANUKURA

We use laptops daily as part of curriculum delivery enabling our students and staff to access learning in a global sense at their finger tips. MANUKURA is fully wireless so every learning space has the ability to connect students and staff to the most up to date information at all times.

MANUKURA requires each student to have their own device, charged and ready everyday for learning opportunities. In addition, interaction with online teaching and learning environments makes access possible both in and out of MANUKURA. This is particularly useful for students whom are traveling with sporting events and need to stay engaged with the learning demands of their individual programme.

What is E-Learning?

It is important that we all have a shared understanding of what we actually mean by ‘e-learning’. Enabling e-Learning is defining ‘e-learning’ as learning and teaching that is facilitated by or supported through the appropriate use of information and communication technologies (ICTs). 

E-Learning can cover a spectrum of activities from supporting learning to blended learning (the combination of traditional and e-learning practices), to learning that is delivered entirely online. Whatever the technology, however, learning is the vital element. e-Learning is not simply associated with modes of delivery or the functionality of a particular technology, but forms part of a conscious choice of the best and most appropriate ways of promoting effective learning.

Best practice e-learning enables accessible, relevant, and high-quality learning opportunities that improve student engagement and achievement. e-Learning has the potential to transform the way teaching and learning takes place. It is about using technologies effectively across the curriculum to connect schools and communities and to provide accessible, relevant, and high-quality learning opportunities so that every student is better able to achieve their full potential. 

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