Sports Codes

We use sport as a catalyst to drive excellence in all areas of students’ lives. The sports we are able to offer specific support and growth in currently are Basketball, Netball, Rugby League, Rugby Union and Touch Rugby. Athletes with strengths in other sporting codes are considered based on whether both, we and they, can support the development of that code to a high performance level and best fit within the environment at that given time. 
A school team eligible to compete in National and Island secondary school events must not exceed the quota of students new to the school in the 2 years preceding the first day of the event as specified in the table below. Teams will be limited to a maximum two (2) non-domestic students (or one for sports with a quota of one) and any non domestic student must always be included in the quota allowed. Domestic students are defined in Note 6 below.

Maximum number of:
New to School Students (enrolled within 2 years preceding the start of event) and Non Domestic Students who must be included in these maximum numbers, unless the New to School student has been issued a Primary Caregiver Relocation Exemption (PCRE) whereby they are exempt from these numbers:

Basketball – 3 – ‘A’ and ‘AA’ Championships
Golf - 2 - NZCT Finals
Netball - 4 - Championships
Rugby League - 5 - Championships
Rugby Union (15's) - 5 - 1st XV and Coed 1st XV 
Rugby Union (7's) - 3 - Championships
Tennis - 2 - Championships
Touch - 4 – Finals
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